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More Holiday increases the value of your bookings by 30%

Earn more, with quality bookings

Anyone can work in the holiday home rental business but not everyone can guarantee getting quality bookings, boosting income and maximising your investment.

At More Holiday we are experts in holiday rentals and we secure quality bookings for you that will increase your income and give you a return on your wealth.

*Free quote without obligation
Our pillars

Your partner in holiday rental management

24/7 service for guests
24/7 service for guests
Never worry again about taking customer calls at unearthly hours to answer their questions or solve their problems. Our Customer Experience team has you covered.
Maximum visibility
Maximum visibility
We connect you with the most important holiday rental portals, we position you on international platforms according to the market of preference and we centralise all the management on a single platform.
Dedicated staff
Dedicated staff
Our local professionals constantly look after your property ensuring it is safe, well stocked and always spotlessly clean for your next booking.
Effective marketing
Effective marketing
We search proactively for bookings, with accurate descriptions, a photo report, SEO and even a good campaign to attract bookings for your property. We go further.

What does More Holiday offer you?

Your time is gold! That's why we offer you a 360º management service

Smooth sign-up process

✓ Photographic report

✓ Effective descriptions

✓ Connection to the portals

✓ Registration with More Holiday

We attract guests

✓ Targeted advertising

✓ Large database

✓ Visibility on all the portals

✓ 24/7 service for guests

We take care of the details

✓ Dynamic pricing

✓ Professional cleaning

✓ Secure payments

✓ Management of deposits

We care about you

✓ Consultancy

✓ Payments

✓ No fixed contract duration

✓ Regular maintenance

The best thing about More Holiday is that all these services are included.

The experience of our homeowners

At More Holiday we owe who we are to our homeowners. You are the centre of our business which is why we like to give voice to homeowners who are satisfied with working with us.

Be connected wherever you are

Our strength is connecting you with the world and increasing your bookings.

Taking care of holiday homes

At More Holiday, we take care of your property

We make the holiday rental experience a pleasant and rewarding journey for the homeowner. Our top concern is getting quality bookings, looking after your property and increasing your income.

This is why at More Holiday we offer all kinds of services for the homeowner that guarantee the integral management of the holiday accommodation. You won't have to worry about anything else.

The services we offer you

Taking care of holiday homes

Local experts in holiday rentals

If you're looking to give your property a boost and get the most out of renting your holiday home, it's time to get the ball rolling and arrange a meeting with More Holiday's team of local experts.

We will be happy to meet with you without any obligation on your part and if you decide you want to try out being part of More Holiday, you can do so without any cost and without any minimum contract duration.

Shall we talk?
*Free quote without obligation

Get started with More Holiday

Call (+34) 659 28 86 26 or leave your details

Frequently asked questions

The first step is to get in touch with a member of our team who will explain our services, pricing structure, commissions, and permissions.

If you decide to proceed, we will schedule a visit to the accommodation to confirm the scope and details of the contracted services and sign the management agreement.

At this point, we will also organize the calendar to launch the property for tourist rental: photographic report and descriptions – website and international platforms.

Managing vacation rentals isn’t easy, but Moreholiday makes it seem so because we take care of the entire process. We give visibility to your property with professional photo shoots and descriptions, handle all inquiries for bookings, monitor reservations for both commercial and legal aspects such as sending client data to the police or the declaration and payment of the tourist tax, implement dynamic pricing systems, without long-term contracts, and you can visit or use your property whenever you want.

Additionally, if you’re not a Spanish national, we help you fulfill your tax obligations such as filing income tax for non-residents.

Even though you’ll be putting your property up for vacation rental, it’s clear that it remains your property and you can dispose of it without restrictions whenever you want. You just need to agree on the availability of the calendar you want to entrust to us for rental, and consequently, which periods will be blocked for your personal use.

As your vacation rental manager, we are here to stay, and we hope you are too. We aim to earn your trust, therefore, you can cancel the contract with 60 days’ notice. We only ask that you honor reservations made prior to the notice date.

Through our owner access portal, it will be very easy to access updated information about property reservations.

We take the customer experience very seriously, as it is the foundation for having repeat customers. We ensure:

A) That the accommodation is suitable for the client through honest descriptions and graphic reports.

B) That the accommodation is ready before the arrival of the clients.

C) To send all the necessary information to the clients for their arrival and stay.

Pets yes or no, the decision is yours. It’s worth considering that the demand for this condition is increasing, so a property that accepts pets has higher income and more repeat customers.

Yes, up to the limit of the security deposit retained from the clients, which allows us to have 4 days to charge the client for any damages they may have caused during their stay. In the event that the amount of damages exceeds the amount of the security deposit, this should be covered by the owner’s insurance.

The only cost that the owner assumes is to prepare the accommodation for rental in terms of equipment and initial cleaning. Also, please note that expenses such as electricity, water, contracted services like Wi-Fi, and taxes are the responsibility of the owner.


You will receive the profitability calculation very soon.


Visita teatralitzada "El Monjo Crispí" a Llançà

Gaudeix d’una visita teatralitzada molt divertida per Llançà i descobreix tots els secrets del poble amb el Monjo Crispi.

Durada de la visita: 1,5 h

Com reservar l’activitat?

Cal que facis una reserva en un apartament de Llançà per gaudir d’aquesta promoció especial.

*Dia i hora del lloguer segons disponibilitat.

Caixa gurmet per gaudir a l'apartament

Gaudeix del formatge, els embotits i del vi de l’Empordà que et deixarem a l’apartament. Degusta els sabors de l’Empordà amb les caixes d’Abricoc.

Contingut de la caixa:

  • Selecció de formatges de l’Empordà.
  • Embotit de l’Empordà.
  • Vi D.O Empordà

Com reservar l’activitat?

Cal que facis una reserva en un apartament de Llançà per gaudir d’aquesta promoció especial.

*Dia i hora del lloguer segons disponibilitat.

Vermut La Mar d'Amunt a Llançà

És l’hora del Vermut! Gaudeix del Vermut a l’estil mediterrani del restaurant LBar de Llançà, ple de sabors característics del mar.

El Vermut consta de:

  • Braves LBar
  • Calamars a l’andalusa.
  • Cassoleta de xipirons amb un ferrat.
  • Anxoves amb pa amb tomàquet
  • La Gilda de Llançà

Acompanyat del Vermut de bóta celler de l’Empordà, canyes o aigua.

Com reservar l’activitat?

Cal que facis una reserva en un apartament de Llançà per gaudir d’aquesta promoció especial.

*Dia i hora del lloguer segons disponibilitat.

Ruta fotogràfica pel Cap de Creus amb la Margaret

Observa el paisatge a través de la fotografia com no ho havies fet mai. Explora els racons secrets del Cap de Creus amb l’experimentada fotògrafa Margaret.

Detall de l’activitat:

Sortida de 2 hores pel Parc Natural del Cap de Creus.

És important portar bon calçat i una càmera per retratar-ho tot!

Com reservar l’activitat?

Cal que facis una reserva en un apartament de Llançà per gaudir d’aquesta promoció especial.

*Dia i hora del lloguer segons disponibilitat.

Visita + tast al Celler Hugas de Batlle

L’Empordà és terra de bon vi! Degusta els sabors del territori i descobreix la tradició vinícola de la Costa Brava amb la visita i el tast de vi al Celler Hugas de Batlle.

Detall de l’activitat:

  • Visita a les vinyes
  • Tast de 4 vins

Infants: Refresc + activitat de plàstica

Com reservar l’activitat?

Cal que facis una reserva en un apartament de Llançà per gaudir d’aquesta promoció especial.

*Dia i hora del lloguer segons disponibilitat.

Experiència caiac a Llançà

Descobreix Llançà des de l’aigua i viu una fantàstica aventura practicant caiac amb SK Kayak a l’idíl·lic entorn del Parc Natural del Cap de Creus.

Detall de l’activitat:

2 hores de lloguer

2 kayaks dobles + bidons estancs

Com reservar l’activitat?

Cal que facis una reserva en un apartament de Llançà per gaudir d’aquesta promoció especial.

*Dia i hora del lloguer segons disponibilitat.